Back Pain

Most Common Cause of Back Pain

What is the most common causes of low back pain and how can you treat it?

Most people want to hear answers like they have a bulging or herniated disc or arthritis that is causing their pain.  Unless there was a serious injury or fracture, I find that back pain is mostly due to stress, muscle tension and weakness.  For the sedentary population that is constantly looking at a computer, pain is usually from poor sitting posture and weak back muscles.  If the back pain is only on one side, it may be due to the way they sit for long periods like slumping on an old couch or keeping their legs crossed for long periods of time, especially if its always the same leg.  This can cause muscles to tighten, throw our bodies out of alignment and refer pain to our low back and sacroiliac joints. 

 The most common thing I find with my clients is that they hold their stress, tension, and past traumas in their lower body – butt muscles, back muscles and inner thigh and pelvic floor muscles specifically. Some people clench their jaws, grind their teeth or hike their shoulders when stressed – they may not notice they are also clenching butt cheeks or squeezing their inner thighs at the same time. Coming to terms with the stressors in your life and learning how to deal with them can help relax your muscles and decrease where you hold your tension. Sometimes a good therapeutic massage targeting the troubled muscles following by a stretch and strengthening regimen is all that is needed to get rid of low back pain

 Physical Therapy can help you find ways to Release your tension, Restore your flexibility, mobility and alignment, and Renew your energy and outlook on having an active lifestyle

Contact us to set up a Therapeutic Massage and Stretch session