Do You Think You Have Sciatica?

Prolonged sitting, especially on a hard surface, can cause pain that extends into the butt and back of the leg.  Sitting with feet or legs crossed for long periods, may cause thigh muscle to tighten up placing increased pressure on nerves, which presents as pain.  Some people experience numbness and tingling in their legs and immediately think they have Sciatica – in some cases, it may be a true Sciatica (irritation and inflammation of the actual nerve) however more often it is due to muscular tightness.

There is a deep butt muscle, under the gluteus maximus, called the piriformis.  Part of the  sciatic nerve lays just below the piriformis, so if the piriformis gets tight or overworked it will put tension on the nerve.  The piriformis muscle is working when we cross our legs.    So get off your butt and stop crossing your legs for so long!!

Here’s one way to stretch your piriformis muscle:Seated, bring your Right foot up and place it on your Left knee ( yes, I know I said don’t cross your legs, but this is only for a short while and it will help).  Next, lean forward.  You should feel a stretch at your butt and outer portion of your Right hip.

Please contact me if this does not provide some level of relief for your Sciatica symptoms.